Mail ballot Magaziner


So Fung lead in the polls, won day of election voting but lost by mail ballots? The Democrat party of Rhode Island plays chess as the Rhode Island Republican party loses playing checkers. What an embarrassing lost to the party as the Mayor of Warwick would not endorse and the Mayor of Cranston was disrespected by the party and not invited to go all out for the win. Fung was Fung, and ran a race that mirrored the candidate in an authentic manner. Mayor Fung held firm in debates, ran appealing commercials and did very well with the national spotlight. What went wrong? The unions went to work with ballot harvesting and collecting every possible mail ballot they could grab. Does it make sense that Seth Magaziner voters preferred mail ballots 3 to 1 over Fung voters? The polls had Fung leading because he was leading, but it is impossible to gauge early voting and mail ballots when polling an election. The Magaziner campaign knew they hit the wall on getting people to the polls so they resorted to people outside CD-2 voting from their summer homes in Gansett.  Democrat voters knew there was no mechanism to prevent both early voting and mail-ballot voting. The Republican party was silent as rules were changed to allow mail-ballots to be dropped off at the polls on the day of the election for the first time ever. Democrat voters voted twice and the Republican party was silent and just accepted the election blowout that made no sense. No mail ballot were challenged. Incredible.

mail ballot Magaziner

