Matos campaign implodes


The state has not seen a campaign as poorly run as the congressional campaign of LT Governor Sabina Matos who has been completely exposed as an unorganized lightweight who is about to lose in a crowded field. Not all of the Matos problems stem from the criminal investigation into her signatures scandal, however the scandal defined her campaign, and she simply has not recovered. Matos is at war with Governor McKee, which means no endorsement or strong support. Matos has other candidates from Providence challenging her, which does not bode well for her sweeping the city and she will also not dominate Pawtucket. The Matos campaign attempted to portray her as a victim and now have resorted to a presser with a candidate who dropped out of the race with less than one percent of the vote. On stage, Matos resorts to reading from her prepared notes and giggling. Her idea of moving into CD-1 is to crash on the couch of her sister. Matos is depending on unions to once again ballot harvest for her but she has no real core of supporters.
