Video : Black Lives Matter demands ACI inmates released
Ok. Black Lives Matter Rhode Island has demanded inmates at the ACI in Cranston maximum security unit be released due to COVID. Maximum security is home to murderers, rapists, and…
Ok. Black Lives Matter Rhode Island has demanded inmates at the ACI in Cranston maximum security unit be released due to COVID. Maximum security is home to murderers, rapists, and…
Is it a game of checkers vs chess? The battle for 2022 is happening right now but the question is whether everyone recognizes it. Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie…
Not so fast. Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo decides to pass on the chance to join the Biden Cabinet as Secretary of Health and Human Services, much to the surprise…
Rumors are buzzing that Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo is ready to accept a cabinet position with the Biden administration which would be a tremendous accomplishment for the first…
The red wave finally arrives but it is the wrong red wave. Rhode Island suddenly leads the national news as two field hospitals open and the state begins a two-week…
The December to not remember begins. The following will be limited during the pause: Superintendents may choose to shift high schools to limited in-person learning. Students with special learning needs and others who…
The state gets ready for the Paws, November 30-December 12. Governor Gina Raimondo announced the state will pause to try to slow down the virus.
All rise, Chiefy is back. Judge Frank "Chiefy" Williams has a new gig where he will "hold court" at the Wild Zebra Strip club in Providence. In a bizarre…
Tale of the tape. It was the violent anti-police ninja protester that went over and blocked the Trump supporter who was arrested. John DePetro Facebook Live has captured live video…