Friday morning in Providence a man was setting up goods to sell on the street and was shot outside of a Mosque off Broad Street. Providence Police learned an individual pulled up across the street from the Mosque and waited thirty minutes for this man to arrive, before firing on him and racing away. At present time there is no shooter in custody and no motive established yet look at the reaction from the far left. Was it a hate crime? Unknown, but not likely. If it was a hate crime, why wait for this one individual to arrive? There are dozens of men who travel in and out of the Mosque, so it seems odd to target this one man. A sitting Providence Councilman deemed it a hate crime and demanded others do the same, but with no evidence. Same goes for other extreme far left progressives who not only deem it a hate crime but begin to blame Republicans. What if the shooter is a person of color? What if the shooter is a member of the Mosque? Without any evidence the far left not only claims to know motive but also has no problem assigning blame and pointing fingers.