For the first time ever in a Rhode Island election, a candidate received more mail ballot votes than day of poll voting. How does this happen? Check the numbers for Democrat Ana Quezada in the CD-1 race who received 799 “mail ballot votes,” but only 513 polling place day of votes. Quezada supposedly received more mail ballots than Cano and Matos, who finished third and fourth respectfully. Rhode Island dramatically changed how elections are conducted in 2020 and continued the lawlessness practice in 2022. The state allows unnotarized mail ballots and campaigns are allowed to collect unlimited amounts of ballots that are then dropped in drop boxes. The Rhode Island Republican party leaders should demand an immediate investigation into the mail ballots and also the ability to vote twice in Rhode Island elections. In 2022, there were individuals who voted day of at the polls but then also submitted mail ballots in drop boxes. Massachusetts and Connecticut limit the number of ballots one individual can collect (10) but it is unlimited in Rhode Island where a campaign worker can collect 500-1,000. Between the Quezada ballots and Matos signature scandal, the RIGOP must push for reform to close the loopholes on fraud and abuse.