From Tidewater to high -water.
The McKee monsoon swept into Rhode Island on Labor day and caught an administration completely unprepared for a few inches of much needed rain. Governor McKee has thrown hundreds of millions to union labor to repair the state highways but it looks like they forgot some much needed basic maintenance of drains as highways flooded like a biblical apocalypse. Route ten was basically shutdown and underwater as drivers swam for their lives. Interstate 95 was closed for over five hours as clogged storm drains filled up and drivers left cars for dry safety. Governor McKee seemed completely caught off-guard and ordered people stranded on highways to leave the highway. The DOT fell on the sword with the primary one week away and a desperate Dan McKee. McKee has shown himself to just not be able to handle big moments and is lucky it was not a school day where children could have been caught in buses underwater. The primary cannot arrive fast enough where shaken voters can finally send Mckee packing. Watch for McKee to get pounded in the final TV debate.