Governor McKee has found himself to be a very unpopular older man, with a short fuse who is getting increasingly ornery with the press (and those around him) as he attempts to deal with a bridge crisis. Mckee has stated he still supports for President Biden, who is an unpopular President with a short fuse who is also getting ornery with the press and those around him. Mckee, like Biden, seems a step slow and living in an alternative reality is dealing with a major transportation issue that is killing business and quality of life in the state on a weekly basis. The Rhode Island Governor truly seems lost lately and looking for someone to blame as the state crumbles around him and three years that still remaining on his term. Around the statehouse, other departments have started calling McKee “Governor Mc-Biden” based on his lack of work effort and lackadaisical style. Mckee is lucky there are no resources for a public opinion poll or we could see a Governor with single digit approval ratings, (“90% of those polled disapprove of how the Governor is handing the 195 bridge fiasco”).