Clay-boy Pell set to announce run for Governor of Rhode Island

Did Clay dance with Beyoncé ?

3 is a crowd for Raimondo ,Taveras, and Pell in primary.

Despite bombing CH 10 interview, Pell campaign seems on.

How much will ” clueless” Clay dump in race.

Clay Pell is set for a ” big announcement” coming up on Tuesday. What could it be?  Perhaps for years, Clay has been watching the performance of Governor Chafee and figured ” I can do that”. What Pell needs to realize is Chafee has become the state ” punch line” and has not ” done anything” in three years. Pell had a disastrous first interview on Ch 10, where he seemed even more ” clueless” then the current Governor, which is no small feat. “Move the state forward” and lots of ” energy” were just a few of the vague , vanilla, lame talking points thrown out by “King” Clay. It was quite a week where Pell sat down for his first broadcast interview, then flew into D.C. joining wife Michele Kwan at the FLOTUS 50th birthday party. Must be hard to attend a Democrat event in Pawtucket, then party wife Stevie Wonder and JayZ. At first it seemed the name, the money,the background, and celebrity wife might make things difficult for Gina and Angel. Then Pell opened his mouth, and it was a collective sigh of relief. Pell seems more unplugged then the state is after a 40 mph wind storm, ( thanks National Grid).  Pell is set to venture out on a state ” listening tour” where he will ask  ” ordinary” people of a Rhode Island what the problems are, kind of like the doctor asking the dying patient ” what disease do you think you have?” Follow for the latest.