Hail to the thief

Joey Mont. tries to grab a judgeship

” I want $175k” a year..

 Former Senate President Joseph Montalbano comes back to collect on some old favors by going for his promised Judgeship. John DePetro says,”Montalbano is everything wrong with ” insider” dealings in Rhode Island and had to pay $ 12 grand to get rid of a shakedown he was involved with ( casino) He felt an obligation to grab every dime in sight.. Montalbano was knocked out of office by Senator Ed O’ Neil , because Joey was a transparent crook.  As Senate President, Montalbano would put the heat on each city and town to use his law firm for a title search.  Montalbano was the ultimate conflict of interest and him getting a judgeship would be everything wrong with the state .

Next judge at $175k?

The right address 

Mayor ” white shoes” Sal
Den of thieves