What kind of man shoots and kills his pregnant wife, two-year-old child and five-year-old child? Nick Arruda. Nick Arruda was always troubled according to former classmates of his at North Kingstown High School and from a weird troubled family. He developed into a skinhead look, but only to have an identity and an excuse to be a loner. Always going after much younger girls and always very controlling. In recent years, he was married to Danielle, but never left the house and did not work. His wife presented him as a stay-at-home dad, but his day mostly consisted of playing video games, smoking weed and giving himself tats. Arruda actually owned a tattoo gun, and he would get high and design new tats for himself. It is believed Danielle Arruda’s family did not approve of her boyfriend Nick, which drove her away from them and more controlling by him. No one seemed to know they had married until Danielle posted about it on social media. Nick Arruda had no friends, cut off by his family, silent and adrift in a home with two children with a third on the way. Friends who knew Danielle said she was very private about her life and always talked about her children. One friend (who insisted on remain on background) speculated Danielle brought up the subject of Nick getting a job over the holidays while she would be out on maternity leave in February. A job would mean he would have to leave the house and not smoke weed and play video games all day. Instead, he decided to kill her and his children before turning the gun on himself. Many are questioning his family who knew he was troubled, had weapons and did nothing to stop him. Some Arruda family members were online defending him.