ICE stopped the Pawtucket three from escaping to Florida, while they are on bail for the death of one-year old Santiago. The three women (including the mother) had their car packed and were trying to bolt, despite the fact the funeral for the infant is this week. The mother, Carolina, was at the laundry mat last Sunday when she received the text from the father of the infant, Joao, that the infant was no longer breathing. He asked her “not to tell anyone” so she continued with her load of laundry. Carolina was with Carla at the laundry mat, (the fake wife of Joao), who strangled his son to death while Daniela, (sister of Carolina who is the lover of Carla), was supposedly sleeping and did not hear her nephew literally screaming for his life. The Pawtucket three made bail for state charges of child endangerment and were not supposed to leave the state. The three face new charges regarding their immigration status and are being held at Wyatt. So, the mother of the infant was not even sticking around for the funeral, but instead trying to run to Florida, while the father remains at the ACI. It appears neither parent will attend the funeral. Meanwhile, the news in Portugal claims the four of them were in an open relationship and all having sex together.