It is all over now. Governor McKee signed into law, new lax voting rules that eliminate any chance for a fair election. Rhode Island will have new voting laws completely out of step with Massachusetts and Connecticut in a bid to take the state into a full Banana republic. Anyone can register to vote (without ID), people can vote 20 days before an election and campaigns can ballot harvest as much as they want, which means no limits on campaign workers collecting votes. Can Illegals vote? Sure, why not? Nobody checks if illegals vote. Can people under 18 vote? Sure, because nobody checks. Campaign workers can register people to vote, collect their ballots and drop them in the drop boxes. No Republican candidate will win a state-wide election with the new laws and the entire focus of a campaign is now the ground game of collecting votes. Why have debates or run TV spots? It is now all about VIA (Vote in advance) much like cash in advance. The only question now is whether Nellie or McKee can cheat better than the other campaign in the primary. In 2020, 65% of voters voted prior to the election and compared with 35% the day of, and that number will move to 75% to 25%. The race will be over before the polls open. A ballot dropped in a Ballot box the day before the election is counted in real time so it is unlike mail ballots counted after an election. Remember, if they can cheat in the Census, they certainly can cheat in an election.