Matt Renninger was appointed to the East Greenwich Planning Board in January for a three year term but already his offensive anti-police social media posts are causing controversy in town. Renninger is a New York Leftist (who is renting on Main street) and he describes police as Enemies in Blue. Town Solicitor Andrew Teitz and Town Manager Andrew Nota are under pressure from Police and residents to remove Renninger from the Planning Board and replace him with a local home owner who doesn’t think cops are the enemy. After reading his Twitter feed, Renninger is clear his Woke plan is to defund the East Greenwich police while creating more low-income housing so more progressives can move into the town. Renninger also calls Providence Police “criminals” despite several high ranking members who live and are active in the Town. Should a member of the East Greenwich Planning Board have a role in town planning if that person posses such animosity towards police? Who appointed him? What is his gripe with E.G. police? The ANTIFA calling card is ACAB (all cops are bastards) and Renninger seems to enjoy posing with the ACAB BLM shirt. East Greenwich Police are well run, maintain a high level of professional standards and they are treated as criminals by some leftist from out of state who moves into an apartment on Post Road? Some AOC/Bernie/BLM socialist grabs an apartment next to the Odeum and starts making town planning decisions? Main street is buzzing, the schools are in great shape and the town has never looked better. When reaching him by phone he asked never to be contacted again and hung up, despite his phone number and address being published on the town website. Matt Renninger should be removed from the East Greenwich Planning Board immediately so he can play out his socialist planning experiment somewhere else.