The grand jury target is House Speaker Nick Mattiello

The most talked about grand jury since the Great White Fire (grand jury) is underway and the target is clearly House Speaker Nick Mattiello. Reliable sources with information on the grand jury have said the crimes in question pertain to Title 11- Criminal Offenses Chapter 11-42-2-Extortion and Blackmail. The grand jury is focused on ” with intent to compel any person to do any act against his or her will, or to prohibit any person from carrying out a duty imposed by law.”


Making an alleged threat like ” if Jim Demers gets suspended or fired, I will stick an enema up their ass” sounds interesting. Ordering a $50,000 dollar audit on December 23, 2019 in retaliation (immediately after Demers was suspended) is a crime. Using your office to try and block someone from being suspended or terminated for their conduct is also a crime. Based on information that has surfaced about the alleged conduct of Jim Demers, it would seem there was no other option other than suspension or termination. Those familiar with the Mattiello grand jury describe a very detailed, methodical line of questioning establishing a timeline of communication, phone calls and emails involving Speaker Mattiello and his staff on the Demers matter leading up to December 23,2019.


Steven Dambruch

It is very telling who Attorney General Peter Neuronha chose to handle the grand jury.  Neuronha has his “A-team” of prosecutors handling the matter (not the usual staff) led by the well respected chief of the criminal division(one time acting US Attorney) Stephen Dambruch. With Dambruch leading the grand jury through the inner workings of the Mattiello crime family and it certainly sounds like a slam dunk and explains why Mattiello is a paranoid nervous wreck. All they need is a one count indictment and Mattiello will lose his support and be replaced as Speaker within 48 hours. Boom. Mattiello is defiant and telling allies he will “fight the upcoming indictment” but he is dismissed by even his friends as delusional. Even New Hampshire Primary 5th place finisher Vice-President Joe Biden kicked Mattiello to the curb and refused his endorsement (no truth to the rumor Biden called Mattiello a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier“).  Sources at the state house say it is very tense on the third floor with both Chief of Staff to the Speaker Leo “traffic court”  Skenyon and Frank Montanaro receiving subpoenas.


Leo Skenyon

Skenyon and Montanaro could face perjury charges if they lie to the grand jury. Maybe they could all share a cell at the ACI?  The only bright spot for Mattiello and Montanaro is they would not even have to leave Cranston if they are incarcerated. Coming soon: who is lining up to be the next Speaker? The names may surprise you. Listen to the John DePetro Radio show for the latest.