Raimondo blows off Bristol: first Governor in history of Rhode Island to skip parade


God save the Queena. Governor Raimondo made a loud statement by becoming the first Rhode Island Governor to blow off the Bristol July 4, Parade. Sources say the state congressional delegation were shocked Raimondo chose to skip the country’s longest running parade because “she is tired of getting booed” in Bristol along the parade route.

Seth, Sheldon, Jack, Jim, David. Who is missing?

 Parade organizers usually have to police the number of politicians that want to be part of the parade, and were upset Raimondo skipped it.  Raimondo marched last year along with her son while gearing up for her November reelection.  One parade source mentioned that even Gov. Linc Chafee always marched in Bristol despite his low poll numbers.

the Queena

 Raimondo skipping Bristol comes on the heels of her controversy to not light the State House dome red,white, and blue during the week leading up to July 4. Raimondo sources have indicated Governor Raimondo considers the American flag “divisive” and understands the position of Nike. Raimondo is said to be tired of the “whole Rhode Island thing” and hopes to get an appointment in a new Democrat White House administration. 

Listen to the John DePetro Radio show for the latest.