Game on. Progressive Matt Brown has Governor Gina Raimondo rattled with his challenge to her in the Democrat primary for Governor. This could be a rematch of “Bernie vs. Hillary” and we know how that turned out in Rhode Island with Sanders crushing Clinton and the party faithful back in April of 2016. Matt Brown is smart, likable and not involved with Smith Hill corruption like Raimondo. Sources say team Raimondo has 30 PAID staffers already in the field canvassing for new voters with more than 6 months to go before the election.
The Raimondo campaign plan to spend huge money on an organized ground game in a manner that Rhode Island has never seen. They are not waiting for the polls to open on election day but instead plan to secure ballots in the weeks leading up to the election. Sources say Raimondo is a “nervous wreck” behind the scenes and snaps at any staffer who delivers bad news. Polls show that close to 65% of the state want “anybody but Gina” and the arrogant Raimondo is tired of trying to sell herself to the voters.
Raimondo won in 2014 with just 40% of the vote but cannot get above 38% in current polls. President Trump continues to see his approval ratings climb and the first female governor watches as her ratings go down. Raimondo has high negatives and a primary against Matt Brown will only cause her negatives to rise.
Matt Brown will watch his numbers climb as Raimondo will watch her numbers decline. Follow campaign 2018 on the John DePetro Radio show, new time and new place on the dial.