Can Rhode Island be saved ?

Den of thieves

As we wind down 2013, Rhode Island does not have a lot to cheer about. Unemployment remains the biggest problem, with the highest in New England and second highest in the country.  Where is the leadership? There is no urgency to fix the problem  as leaders seem more focused  on ” social issues” as opposed to a plan of true economic development.  Corruption, an uneducated work force, and high taxes remain the dominant image of the state to the outside. The state has become a magnet for outsiders in need of government assistance, and the demand on state services increasing. In 2014, Rhode Island is in desperate need of leadership that will truly be friendly to business. Government leaders must realize the solution is not to give out more state jobs and promote a ” phony” business climate. 2014 must be a year of reform and change. Follow

Where have you gone?
