Wait! Second thoughts? Will Governor Chafee run again?

Another term would be purrrrfect

Will Gump jump back into the race?

Is team Chafee thinking he “surrendered” too quickly?

4 more years of Chafee?

There is rampant political speculation that Governor Chafee is thinking he ” surrendered” too quickly and should have run for a second  term as Governor of Rhode Island. A  political insider told DePetro.com, ” Linc thinks that had he remained “Independent”( instead of switching to the Democrat party), he could have another three-way race.”He honestly thinks he has assembled a good team of people and that he could win again.” Both Republicans and Democrats are set for   bruising primaries on both sides, and Chafee feels he could renaming ” above the fray”.  Chafee feels that by next year at this time, things in the state will be turning around and he could sneak back in for another term as Governor.  Will Governor Chafee jump back into the race? Follow DePetro.com for the latest on 2014.

Ready to serve 4 more years
Super Gump