Winners and Losers of the week
Weekly feature of DePetro.comListen to John DePetro weekdays on 99.7 FMLoser: arrested for dog dying in hot carLoser: texting with Weiner.Loser: former player now full time loserWinner: keeping options open.Winners:…
Weekly feature of DePetro.comListen to John DePetro weekdays on 99.7 FMLoser: arrested for dog dying in hot carLoser: texting with Weiner.Loser: former player now full time loserWinner: keeping options open.Winners:…
Could Block save state GOP?Kenny from the BlockGump may need an attack dog on BlockWould Block block Fung?Gump verses the Tech, moderate, geek?Will Ken Block jump into race for Governor…
DePetro discusses Bulger trial coast to coastNational exposure for WPRO hostFollow and listen to John DePetro for the latest on the Whitey Bulger trial. John DePetro appeared with Imus…
High drama is waiting on whether Whitey will speakConfirm that Raymond L.S. ran New EnglandWill Rolling Stone put him on the cover?James Whitey BulgerRaymond John DePetro in Santa Monica where Bulger…
The reason I no longer read "Rolling Stone"Cover The bomber and the liberal blowhardThe loud mouth of NPRRhode Island public radioWhile there is obviously nothing in common between these two individuals,(…
Gov Chafee election in 15 monthsCan he win with 25% approval rating?Is state ready for 4 more Gump years?The GovHard to believe but next year at this time we will…
Will Summer of 2013 be race riots?Where will it end?Listen to John DePetro on 99.7 FM whether you are on vacation or work. Listeners in Massachusetts ,Connecticut, and Rhode Island…
Weekly feature on DePetro.comListen to John DePetro weekdays on 99.7 FMWinner: will not cave to thugsWinner: right to defendWinner: movie hitLoser : bear tips in mime?Losers: disgusting crazyWinner: correctly called…
Chance encounter? In Rhode Island?As much as the local media ignore it, it took a Boston paper to point out the truth .It was just Dennis and Jim."Happen to run…
How low can you go?Rock throwing to bear tipsFlashback : " Love in the Rectory and turkey bones in acid"What has happened to local TV news? How did a CH…