John DePetro Show today on 1540 AM WADK 1:00-5:00pm or online
Call in live at 401-846-1028.Different ways to listenThe decision to return video that everyone is buzzing about: click on the video listen
Call in live at 401-846-1028.Different ways to listenThe decision to return video that everyone is buzzing about: click on the video listen
John DePetro Show. Weekdays 1:00-5:00 p.m. on 1540 AM WADK. Online at he going to leave? Watch John DePetro announce his decision to return to Rhode Island radio. Click on…
To all my WPRO radio listeners : At this time, I have decided to conclude my entertaining weekday 9:a.m. -12pm (noon) radio show on WPRO. Thank you to all my…
Is it appropriate for the Colonel of the Rhode Island state police to display a political sign on the lawn of her Coventry home? On Saturday night November 5,…
Can he win?Have you ever seen more political signs for a Republican Presidential candidate in the ocean state? Trump signs are everywhere in Rhode Island, where the voters are tired…
den of thievesRumors are spreading like wildfire over the reason why former Rep. Ray Gallison was quiet after his home was raided by law enforcement in March: did Gallison began…
Joy Fox with QueenaIs Fox on the run? Rumors continue to swirl that Governor Gina Raimondo is set to lower the boom on her controversial, embattled communications director Joy Fox.…
Toll-mondo Was it an explosion or implosion? No reason to believe Governor Gina Raimondo had an inkling her political life was going to end in April of 2016, or maybe she…
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