Was the election stolen?
Was Romney our last chance to save America?Was Mitt our last chance?
Was Romney our last chance to save America?Was Mitt our last chance?
What does Senator Whitehouse know about scandals?In for a penny, in for a pound...What did he know?The Rhode Island connections to team Obama are well known and documented. President Obama…
Birds of a feather For years, Senator Whitehouse has waged war on patriots...2 of a kindSheldon's war on Americans ...
Sheldon comes out swinging. As JohnDePetro reported, while most condemned the actions of the IRS, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse attacked the conservatives.Knocks the Tea PartyThe senator makes an amazing statement...Still hoping…
Graduate GumpWhat do you think he is a doctor in?
Ohhhh God..sounds like a big night ahead for Cranston girlA banner night awaitsJessica $5 k from Hef
John DePetro Reviews are in and it was a big night for WPRO radio host John DePetro. DePetro continues to receive great press from his first of 3 nights at the…
Joey Mont. tries to grab a judgeship" I want $175k" a year.. Former Senate President Joseph Montalbano comes back to collect on some old favors by going for his promised Judgeship.…
Gov. Chafee announces more minority hiringJohn DePetro announced on Friday, Governor Gump plans to begin hiring more Latino workers to his staff to get ready for 2014. The governor promised…
Governor Gump ignores family..." It was an accident"Get me votes and I got your back.I love ChafeeRIP